If you are dealing with a personal injury from an auto accident, you need a good doctor who understands the paperwork that is needed. Insurance companies and your lawyer often need specific documentation of any personal injuries.

At Injury Chiropractic, we will take detailed notes on all aspects of an injury during an examination. We specialize in providing treatment for crash victims.

This requires knowing the process of making a claim for a personal injury from an auto accident. Dr. Randy, in Phoenix, will perform a full evaluation and assessment of your physical condition.

You will need to be open about symptoms you are experiencing, from headaches, neck or back pain, stiffness and any pre-existing injuries that have now become exacerbated. Personal injuries from an auto accident can be undetected for a while, so it’s important to keep Dr. Randy updated.

Injury Chiropractic keeps excellent records and is accustomed to working with insurance companies and other professionals who need a patient’s updated medical records. Choose a chiropractor that is experienced in providing on-going, post-accident care.
